Soul Searching Zone Talk Radio Mon, 06 Jan 2020 03:31:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 © 2016 Listen to the guidance of your soul Soul Searching Zone Soulzone network is a collaboration of like minded souls bringing you audio programs for the soul. Our topics include but are not limited to, holistic health, spirituality, oracle cards, Angels and Divine Source, Manifesting, Manifestation, Mystical realms, Self-help, meditation and more. No BK26: I Surrender Wed, 17 Oct 2018 12:43:04 +0000 Molly and Sara discuss go in-depth on how to surrender to a higher power and how to let go of what no longer serves us or holds us back in order to move forward.

If we let go of a situation, we can learn from it and grow. However, if we can get raveled up in it, we have difficulty being able to step back and surrender to what we are supposed to be learning in the situation.

6:37-Sara lists several ways we can learn to surrender.

Surrendering is about letting go of what you think should be, how you think it should be, how you think it should look, and release control.

The universe will give back to us if we learn to surrender and let go control. Then we can begin to understand and remember that it is all happening for whatever is best for us in that time. We must also believe that it is possible.

13:27- Sara offers an empowering visualization exercise to help release and surrender.

When we are learning to surrender, we must embody and feel what surrendering feels like. There is a sense of peacefulness, inner knowing, and trust that everything will work out.

19:57-Sara gives a Mantra to help manifest surrendering.

If we surrender with love and surrender with light, then we can trust and believe that the universe will always take care of us.

Hosted By Sara Courtney and Molly Rahe



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Molly's new solo podcast, SoulFessions, is available to listen on iTunes, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Soul Searching Zone and her website. To learn more about Molly's services including Soul Clearing Sessions, Soul Sound Vocal Coaching, Sound Healing Sessions, and mediations, you can book here. Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.


Sara's Facebook online shop Sara Marie's Cup of Tea is now open. Stay up to date with promotions, new products, and events by signing up for her email list.

Sara's blog, Waking Up Sara Marie, is an intimate look into her own personal struggles, successes, and spiritual awakening. To learn more about Sara, her blog, services and new endeavors, visit her website.

Follow Sara on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest @WakingUpSaraMarie



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]]> 0 Molly and Sara discuss go in-depth on how to surrender to a higher power and how to let go of what no longer serves us or holds us back in order to move forward. If we let go of a situation, we can learn from it and grow. However, if we can get raveled up [...] No No 23:47 Butterfly Kinection believe in yourself, connect to the soul, connectedness, externalize, faith, guided journaling, healing, higher power, I Surrender, inner knowing, internalize, let go, Let Go and Let God, live life, love, manifest, mantra, peace, peacefulness, personal development, positivity, relationships, release burdens, release control, send love, soul growth, Source, spiritual awakening, spiritual enlightenment, surrender, trust, trust the process, understanding, visualization