Join Andrea Dombecki as she talks about manifesting our dreams with the mystical realms. Connect with the higher dimension manifestation energies of the angels, fairies, unicorns. dragons and mermaids to awaken excitement about creating your dreams. As we connect with all of the mystical realms we receive many soul gifts and positive energies! Andrea Dombecki […]
AF: 17 Archangel Gabriel and Self Expression
Join Andrea Dombecki as she explores self expression. Work with Archangel Gabriel, the angel of communication, to deeply awaken your self expression. Do you feel resistance to speaking your truth and freely sharing your messages with the world? At this time your loving energies are needed on earth more than ever! Break through blocks that […]
AF: 16 Living in the Bliss of YOU
Join Andrea Dombecki as she explores living in the bliss of you. How can walk in spiritual joy? When you do the things that you love your joy blesses all! How can you embrace bliss in your existence? How can you live within a mountain of your own spiritual radiance? When you find your joy […]
AF: 15 The Mind of God
Join Andrea Dombecki as she explores the Mind of God. It has been called by many different things throughout various cultures, religions and philosophies. Let us embrace this deep inner peace within us. It is something that we can all access in each moment. It is the true source of peace and nourishment. Andrea Dombecki […]
AF: 14 Ancestral Healing
Join Andrea Dombecki as she explores how our ancestry affects our existence. Work deeply with the angels to bring in powerful healing and blessing for your ancestry. What talents and abilities did you gain from your ancestry? Are you ready to release negative energies from your ancestry? Andrea Dombecki is an Angel healer, fairy intuitive […]
AF: 13 Feeling Safe
Andrea Dombecki will guide us through a deep healing on our ability to feel safe. Do you truly feel safe? Do you trust the process of life? Do you feel safe in your relationships? Do you feel safe in your body? Do you trust the universe? As we explore where we feel unsafe in our […]
AF: 12 Mother Earth and the Fairy Realm
Connect with the heavenly nature energies of Mother Earth and the fairy realm. Meet the devas of the plants and flowers. Get acquainted with trees! Uncover the hidden energies of nature and the earth to nurture your spirit. Unlock nature secrets to start to discover your heavenly relationship with the natural world all around you! […]
AF: 11 Messages from the Magical Realms
Explore the healing powers of the magical realms such of the angels, fairies, unicorns, mermaids, Pegasus and dragons. These higher dimensional realms are easily accessible to us and can raise the vibration of our lives! These realms are hidden throughout our world. They can bring more magic and possibility into our lives. As a clairvoyant […]
AF: 10 Life Mission
How do we live in harmony with our life mission and stay on task? Your Life mission encompasses your unique destiny. You may have had visions and divine ideas regarding your life mission for as long as you can remember. We can become alienated from our life mission and even grow to resent it. We […]
AF: 9 Self-Esteem
Let’s talk about self-esteem and confidence! Do you you feel that you are confident? Self confidence is defined as a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment. Do you feel that your life would work better if you had more self esteem? Self-esteem is defined as confidence in one’s own worth or abilities; self-respect. […]