Oracle Card Reading for Saturday
Today’s Oracle card reading was drawn using the Fairy Tales Oracle Cards, by Nicole Feltovic. We drew The Lion King Card. The energy around today is about you getting in touch with your true feelings and recognizing where you may have cut yourself off from a part of yourself because it makes you feel bad. When we cut ourselves off from a feeling about ourselves and we deny that aspect of who we are, instead of making peace with it, that becomes our shadow side. In other words, it is still there lurking in the background at a subconscious level, we are just not aware of it. The Lion King Card suggests that you are going through a transformation of self
healing in order to unite with your true self and wholeness. In order to heal you have to be willing to look at all of the parts of yourself that make you feel bad, insecure, unhappy and unworthy. Your pain and sadness has a gift of wisdom ready to be given to you, the moment you have the courage to look at yourself and all of the events that have caused you pain in a new way. Allow yourself to get in touch with a higher perspective of all that you have endured. The moment you do this, you bring your shadow side into the light and it becomes your ally.
How can you become your own hero?
The hero’s journey is about embracing your strengths and recognizing who really are and what you can truly accomplish. No matter where you are on your journey it is time for you to look within yourself for the strength and wisdom you need as you move into the next phase of your life. Do you hear the call? The call that asks you to step up and be the person you are meant to be? The call that asks you to look within and find the courage to live life to the fullest? It is time for you to go within and listen. When you do you will be ready to take the next steps that will open the pages to a whole new chapter in your life.
Card description
MEANING: The Lion King has embraced his shadow. Deep inside him is profound strength and wisdom. Light and dark come together to create harmony and wholeness. Simba must go through the journey of forgetting who he is and then returning home. He must embrace his shadow and face his “scars” in order to bring healing to himself and his community. We are One… Self-healing is a necessary step in global healing. It is not self- indulgent… It is empowerment. When Simba corrects what havoc Scar has wreaked upon his own psyche (false beliefs and feelings of guilt and shame), he is then able to influence others with great love and integrity. His energy is no longer tied up in meaningless dramas of blame & shame, hiding his true self. He is now fully present for something greater. Joseph Cambell calls this the Hero’s journey. It is time to identify with the Hero archetype. You are not a victim. Allow the Hero within you to guide your thoughts and actions. See how this transforms your life.
Intuitive Life Coaching Tip
It is time to re-write your story! This is a life coaching technique that will take you from victim to hero in a matter of minutes! Ready, set go…………….. Go ahead and grab your journal. Take in a deep breath and center yourself. Think of a situation that made you feel really bad about yourself. For example, Simba felt ashamed and could not see the truth. Instead his perception of his situation became distorted. Self blame and manipulation from his uncle caused him to adapt beliefs that made him run away from home and blame himself for the death of his father. Through those beliefs he became a different person. He suppressed his courage and ran away from his destiny. Think of a time when you became so ashamed of yourself through a situation that happend. Once you have the situation in your mind, write out the story exactly as you feel about it right now. Now underneath that write……………all of the beliefs you have about yourself in regards to your story. For example……………I am a failure, I am a bad person, I am not good enough, I am to blame, it is all my fault, I am never going to amount to anything and so on. Once you have all of those beliefs written out, underneath that write…………..Is it true………. If you say it is true, I then want you to write how it is true, in what ways, according to who? Once you challenge all of those false beliefs…………… Now it is time for you to look for the gift! There is always a lesson to learn and a gift to open in every situation. For example. If your story is about failing at something, the lesson might be in perseverance or maybe it is to surrender. When you identify and learn the lesson, which is perseverance or surrendering, you get to open the gift, and perseverance becomes a key that you get to take with you throughout life! I believe that life is all about collecting keys (metaphorically of course). When you meet a challenge, there is always a lesson, which turns into a gift, which becomes a key that you get to use to make life that much easier on your journey. You become a hero when you are looking for the key, instead of buying into the false ideas and beliefs that make you want to give up on life. Now, close your eyes, take a deep breath and ask to see your situation again, this time without the false beliefs and with an open mind being aware that you are looking for the key! Once you find the higher perspective and identify the lesson, gift and keys, go back to your journal and re-write your story as the hero that you are!
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