Your Oracle Card Reading for Friday!
Today’s Oracle Card reading was drawn using our Guiding Light Oracle Cards App, by Kelly T. Smith. The card we drew for today’s energy is Share your gifts. This is the card that shows up to remind you that no matter what you do in life, the number one way you can contribute to the world is by sharing a piece of yourself! When you share your gifts you become a part of the greater good. You fill in a missing piece of the puzzle. I believe that everyone has a gift. Some gifts may be more hidden than others but everyone has one. Your job is to find yours and share it! Many people think of their gifts are the more obvious talents and yes, that could be one. But did you know that many things about you, could be your gift to the world? For example, if you are an amazing communicator, that could be your gift, but you may have never thought of it as a gift, but instead just see it as who you are. Many times our gifts are tightly wrapped up in who we are, and we are not even aware that what comes so natural to us is probably the gift we have been given in this lifetime! If you are thinking………but I don’t have a gift? It is time for you to look again, because you do, I am certain of it!
What happens when you are being guided to share but resist?
The universe has a very powerful and interesting way of getting it’s point across to you! If you have been guided to do something, to share something specific and you get cold feet, the universe throws you a wake up call to get you back in the right direction. It sometimes feels exactly like being knee deep in quick sand and until you recognize that the only way out of the quick sand is to go back to what you were guided to do, you just kinda stand there, waiting for someone to through you branch!
Card description
Intuitive Life Coaching Tip
Listen to your inner voice! Do you have a desire to do something, but you are resisting it? Today, take the time to get quiet. All of the answers are within you. Ask for guidance from your Angels and guides. Request to be shown how you can share your gifts and make the greatest contribution. Take in a few deep breathes……………….Bring all of your attention to your heart chakra area……………….Imagine you are sitting in this energy……………………………Now, take in another deep breathe and ask your higher self to come through…………………….wait a few moments………………now ask, what am I being guided to do, what gifts do I have to share with the world, in what ways can I make a difference? Wait for a feeling, knowing or even guidance!
Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with us. I am grateful to have found you through your app and love your readings and tips. Thank you for showing us how to shining our light