Oracle Card Daily Reading
Today’s Oracle Card Reading was drawn using Spirit Animal Oracle Cards by Frédéric Calendini. The energy of today is the cat, independence! When I tune into the energy of this card, spirit shows us that we are releasing our codependent patterns. Actually, this has been a very big energetic theme over the last 6 months. The question to ask yourself is, in what ways are you holding yourself back, because you are waiting for others to be on board? It is time for you to take the lead. Do not worry about what others are doing or thinking. In many ways right now you are being called to do things on your own. This requires you to believe in yourself and to let go of worrying about everyone else. Recognize that you have all of the resources you need within you.
What do you think you need from others?
Whatever you are looking for outside of yourself it is time for you to give that to yourself! The cat energy does not sit around and wait for people to give them permission to be happy, to feel loved, to feel worthy, or even to be successful. The cat energy gives all of that to themselves!
Card description
“Look at a cat, and you will immediately feel what its spirit expresses: total self-confidence and independence.
Of course, cats can give us great gifts of love. And some of them can be very social too. But in their core being, they are always self-sufficient, and sure of what they want – and don’t want. If this card shows up, it may be time to connect to this energy. Have you felt too dependent on someone or something lately? Do you think someone else may have something you lack and need, like love, money or power?
Go back to yourself and feel that, like the cat, you have all the resources you need to be happy. Everything is already inside of you. By realizing this, you will feel an immediate sensation of freedom and confidence.”
Intuitive Life Coaching Tip
When we are stuck in a codependent pattern, we are giving away all of our power. We may do things we don’t really want to do in order to get people’s approval. We may put other people’s agendas before our own in order to please them. When we release the need to take action in order to please other people we free ourselves up to take action based on what is best for us. Today, get out your journal, take a few deep breath’s and center yourself. Write at the top of the page, “In what ways am I giving away my personal power away by depending on others? In what ways am I waiting for permission, approval or love?” Ask to be shown in what ways you can give those things to yourself. Ask to be shown all the ways your life could change for the better when you allow yourself to be independent and confident in making decisions that are best for you! When you ask the right questions you always get the right answers. Remember not to think too much about the questions. The beauty in journaling is that it allows your feelings an outlet to flow freely without the need for your left brain to try and analyze them. This is a very healing outlet, give it a try and post in the comments what your experience was! We would love to hear from you!
Iwill. Thankyou.