Today’s Oracle Card Reading was drawn using our Guiding Light Oracle Cards App by Kelly T. Smith. The energy for today is the inspired action card! Yesterday we drew the increasing card and today inspired action which shows us that we are in the midst of some extremely powerful manifesting energy right now. Pay extra attention to what your thoughts are, what you are feeling and why and what your true intention is behind your actions. The inspired action card, suggests that you take a step back and get clear about what you want to achieve and why. Once you have that kind of clarity, you set the wheel into motion and you will suddenly get an intuitive nudge from within you on a inspired action to take. Do not try to hard to figure out what you should be doing, instead take a step back and wait for that excitement to flood your mind, body and soul! That is the true essence of inspired action!
Card Description
Focus on inspiration and the action steps will flow effortlessly.
Inspired action happens when you are working in the flow of what it is you are wishing to create. You will naturally know what needs to happen next, because everything is working in harmony. When you are not in touch with inspiration, you block the flow and begin to push against the thing you are trying to create. This card comes to you today because you have a masterpiece within you waiting to be birthed out into the world. Your life, as a whole, is one big masterpiece and you are the creator. When you create through inspiration, you align naturally with the powerful workings of the universal mind.
It is time to take a step back, breathe, and start over. This time, get in touch with the inspiration from within you. Remind yourself of the why you wanted to do this in the first place. The why you want to do something is the inspiration. The inspiration is the feeling of excitement and passion combined. It is not a feeling of dread, force, or trying too hard. It is a feeling of flowing effortlessly with what you are doing because you love to do it! Spend a day focusing on the pure essence of what you are wanting to create. Surround yourself with all of the components that come together to create a feeling of excitement and passion. Get back in touch with the inspiration behind what you are doing, and you will begin to flow easily toward the final outcome. Enjoy the process of creating, and the steps to get there will happen so naturally you will forget that you are actually taking action. You will simply be in the pure joy of creating.
Life Coaching Tip!
Today think about the areas of your life where you feel confused. Think about the area in which you know you want to move forward but some how and in some way you feel stuck. Spend today focusing and writing about what you want to create. Ask your higher self to guide you to take the next right action. Once you are done writing and you asked for guidance, let it go. Wait for the knowing and the exciting feeling to come, because when it does and it will, it will be time to act!
Gandhi wrote “action expresses priorities” so I say don’t wait until it’s too late Express but is in your heart while you still have the chance