Oracle Card Daily Reading For Wednesday
Today’s Oracle Card reading was drawn using our Intuitive Life Coaching Oracle Cards App/ written by Kelly T. Smith. For the energy of Wednesday the card we drew was Trust and Forgiveness. It is time for your heart walls to come down. Recognize the area’s in your life that you have put up extra protection and layers around your heart area. The energy of the past is coming forward to be released. You may see it being mirrored in events all around you. Today think of a big event from the past that may have caused you to shut down. It is time to move on from the past, if you carry the past energy with you, you will continue to re-create the past.
Card description
It is time for you to let your guard down and learn to trust again.
Things happen that cause us to put up walls, close up, and hide from the world in order to keep from getting hurt. The way to heal this is not through avoiding new experiences, opportunities, or people that come into your life. That will only keep the pain of the past alive. The way to heal this is through forgiveness: forgiving yourself and others. So, today, be willing to learn from the past and step into the present! Take all that you have learned from painful past experiences and use this knowledge to create a better life for yourself. TRUST that all of the people, opportunities, and experiences that are for your highest good will enter your life now. Take down your walls, let yourself learn from the past, and trust in the present! Go boldly out into the world and shine your beautiful light! Open your heart and let love in!
Intuitive Life Coaching Tip
Today, sit in silence and ask your higher self, and angels and guides to come forward. Ask to be shown the energy in your heart chakra. Pretend you open a door and walk directly into the center of your heart energy. Become aware of a house. Take note of who is in the house waiting for your forgiveness. One by one call forward each person waiting for your forgiveness or them to forgive you. Send them love energy and forgiveness and let them know that you are ready to move forward now and you wish them the best.
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