Your Oracle Card Reading
Today’s Oracle Card Reading was drawn using our Intuitive Life Coaching Oracle Cards by Kelly T. Smith. The card we drew for today’s energy is the New Door card. This is a very exciting card, but it does come with one catch. You cannot move forward unless you let go of the past. It is almost like all opportunities become invisible to you, or something happens that keeps you from receiving them no matter how you try, unless you let go of the baggage from the past. Bringing in something new always means you have to let go of something old. I want you to imagine that you bought new furniture for every room of your house! Do you have that in your mind? Good, now imagine that you still have all of the old furniture in the room as well. Can you see how that would be a big problem? New doors cannot and will not open for you, unless you let go of all that is in the way. Spirit is saying that it is time to let go, let go of all that you are holding onto and something even greater than you can imagine will come in its place.
What is it time to let go of?
Often times we ignore the messages that we are receiving from our intuition. We usually know exactly what to do or who or what it is time to let go of and yet we pretend like we don’t. Spirit is asking you to get very clear about what is working and what is not. What feels good and what does not. When you truly let go of all that is no longer serving you, you make room for what it is you truly want to come into your life.
Card description
Your prayers have been answered and a new door is being held open for you.
New relationships and experiences cannot and will not enter your life if all your energy is focused on relationships and situations that no longer serve you. Make room for new loving people and experiences to enter your life. As your life falls apart it also falls together. Let go of the resistance to move into the unknown. Call on your angels and guides to help make this a smooth transition. Your prayers have been heard and a new door is being held open for you. All you have to do is trust and walk through it.
Intuitive Life Coaching Tip!
Get out your journal! This is a exercise using the energy of fire and intention to let go of the past and make room for the new. I want you to think of the number one energy drain on your life for the past 3 years, you may even have to go back further. Think of the thing that upsets you the most. Something you feel that you never fully made peace with. Sit with your piece of paper and imagine putting all of that energy into the paper. Now, I want you to vent it all out onto the paper. Write what you wish you would have said that you did not get to say. Allow your emotions to be felt in the most genuine way. If you feel angry write it! Once you have it all done. You will need a fire place to safely burn the paper. Before you actually burn the paper in the fire place, it is very important to set an intention. Let your intention be to release all the negative energy of that situation! You will be surprised just how much lighter and happier you feel after this exercise.
Thank you