Oracle Card Reading for Saturday 3/18/2017!
Today’s Oracle Card Reading was drawn using our Intuitive Life Coaching Oracle Cards APP by Kelly T. Smith, The card we drew for today is the Entrepreneur card, this card represents opportunities in regards to your finances as well as finding new ways to bring in extra income! Spirit comes to you today with the powerful question of………………….what have you been guided to do that you have set aside, that has to do with business, soul purpose and or career? The answer to that question is the action you are being guided to take next! Do you feel that push into a new and exciting journey? It is time for you to do the inner work to move past your fears to stepping into the unknown. The energy is ripe for new, exciting opportunities. Take a moment to get quite, still and go within to listen the guidance of your soul!
What is the next right action for you?
Ask your higher self and your spiritual team to guide you and get ready to spread your wings and fly.
Card Description
Be on the lookout for exciting business opportunities to unfold.
You are an entrepreneur at heart. Anything that gives you freedom to unleash your creativity and talents, without constraint, makes you feel alive. You are getting ready to soar with opportunities, to grow, and expand as an entrepreneur or business owner! Be on the look-out for exciting opportunities. They could come in the form of a networking opportunity, a partnership, or the possibility to grow and expand a business. This is a very positive card. When the entrepreneur card shows up in your reading, it is time for you to take action. Go out into the world and share your services. People cannot find you if they don’t know you exist. Make business cards, flyers, posters, and start a marketing campaign. It is time for you to tell the world about what you have to offer. Everything you do at this time, in regard to business, will be well received. This is a fruitful time for you. Get busy and take action. The sky is the limit!
Intuitive Life Coaching Tip!
Get out your journal and make a list of all of the things you have been wanting to do. Once you have your list, go down your list and rate each item 0-10. Zero being not a priority at all, and 10 being absolutely feel the need to do this today! Now you have broken your goals down, start with the higher numbers and work your way down! Once you have a goal to work toward, take a deep breathe and visualize this task completed. Now, silently ask……………what is the next right action to take? Sit in silence and waiting for a feeling or a knowing. Now it is time to take action.
Time for you to get out into the world, opportunities are knocking!
Be sure and check back for daily coaching tips and daily readings!
Thank you for this reading. Im in the transition of moving into my healing work full time. Ive been working hard to make this happen. I love your cards i have your apps and pull cards for my daily readings.
Nice to meet you Julie! Thank you, I am super excited for the daily readings blog. As far as your spiritual work, there is definitely a big energy push to align with our authentic selves and soul’s purpose. It does take a lot of courage to listen to the call of your Soul. Wishing you all the best on your new journey into doing your healing work.
Thanks Kelly after struggling with my decision and to take a leap of faith I’m about to move into a gorgeous little cabin that is fitting for all the services I want to offer…exciting times ahead with the belief the timing is right.