Oracle Card Reading for Sunday 3/19/2017!
Today’s Oracle Card Reading was drawn using our Intuitive Life Coaching Oracle Cards APP by Kelly T. Smith, The card we drew for today’s energy is the Resolve card. It is time to look at all the ways you are indecisive. The one thing that can make all the difference in your world is a concrete decision. Powerful decision making skills have the ability to change your life in the most amazing ways. But when we hold back making a decision or make a decision without being a 100 percent on board with the decision that we make, we actually create stagnant energy. Today ask yourself if there are any decisions that you are on the fence with? Is there something you are wanting to do but have inner conflict with saying yes and taking a leap of faith? Spirit understands the fear of making a bad decision, but refusing to make a decision is actually a decision that keeps you stuck right where you are.
What is the best decision for you?
Ask your higher self and your spiritual team to guide your decision making skills.
Card Description
This is a period of indecision and inner conflict, it is time to make a decision.
When you are in conflict with yourself it means that half of you agrees and the other half does not. This creates indecision and confusion! If you are going to do something, do it with your whole heart and put both feet in and jump. If one foot is in front of you, and the other foot is behind you, you create an imbalance. You are not going anywhere, except to possibly fall over. Anytime there is stagnation, it could be because you have not made up your mind which direction you are heading. Are you in or are you out? Make up your mind and choose to resolve this inner conflict. Inner conflict shows up in many ways. It can show up with words such as: “I really want to, but what if someone disapproves”, or “I really need this, but I can’t right now”. All of these are self-sabotage techniques, which keep you from moving forward. If you really want something, let yourself believe that it is possible. It is your soul urging you to do something that is for your highest good at this time. Resolve to make a decision, one way or the other. Just remember that if you stay in inner conflict with yourself, this is a choice. There is no invisible barrier keeping you from moving forward, there is no one to blame. There is only choice! Make up your mind and resolve to do what it takes regardless of what may, or may not, happen. Just do it! Spirit believes in you, do you?
Intuitive Life Coaching Tip!
Take time to be in silence today and sit in prayer! Ask God, your angels and guides to assist you with making the right decisions. Ask to be shown all the ways you are holding back from making decisions out of old fears that are no longer serve you. Is there something in your past that you are scared of re-creating? Ask for a peaceful resolution to that past situation.
Next, write out all of the decisions that you have been procrastinating making. Make a list and begin to start from the top of your list. Take each decision one by one and imagine holding it right in the middle of your solar plexus area. Image you can place that question right in the center of your belly. Hold it there and ask the questions…………How does this feel? Does this feel good, or does this feel bad. If it feels bad, ask why? If it feels good ask why? When you ask why it feels bad, ask is this true, yes or no? Be looking for sensations in your body, does your body open up and feel lighter and freer or does it close up and feel tighter and closed off? Tune into your body. Write all of your fears out one by one and challenge them. Ask where does this fear come from? Once you are all done, go back into a light meditation, sit in silence and ask for your higher self to show you the truth in the decision that is best for you!
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