Oracle Card Reading for Tuesday 3/21/2017!
Today’s Oracle Card Reading was drawn using our Guiding Light Oracle Cards App by Kelly T. Smith. The card we drew for today’s energy is the soul searching card. The theme of listening to what you need and putting yourself first continues! The soul searching card asks us to dig deep, to go deep within and decide what it is we truly want. How do we really feel and why? We might even be feeling like something is missing. Go within, get quite and listen. Spirit is guiding you to listen to your feelings. In what ways are you denying how you feel to please others? The key to today’s energy is to turn up the volume to your true feelings. Go deep within and ask, what am I feeling and why?
If you were to honor your true feelings what would change?
Think for a moment about any way you might be suppressing your true feelings. If you were to be honest, what do you feel needs to change in your life. What are you not happy with? Are there times when you put on a happy face but underneath your smile you are not happy? Take time out to imagine how your life would change for the better if you were to honor your true feelings. What action can you take to make the changes that are needed to make you happy?
Card Description
Time to go within and uncover your true feelings.This card comes to you today because you may be hiding your true feelings in regards to this situation. Sometimes we mask our true feelings from ourselves, because we try to do the right thing by others. Your Angels and Guides are asking you to value your own feelings. You may be confused about how you really feel, or what you really need. It is in quiet contemplation that you will get in touch with your inner truth. It is time to ask the questions that you may be avoiding.
Take this time to dig deep and uncover your inner truth. Your feelings are your guide to your Soul. If you suppress them, you will feel cut off from your inner world. You must allow yourself to feel what you are feeling, and then take time out to ask why you are feeling this way. You will then receive the answers that will guide you in the right direction. How do you really feel, and why? You may be surprised when you uncover the truth.
Life Coaching Tip!
Today, spend time in meditation. Once you feel like you are in a light meditation state, ask your subconscious and higher self to bring forth a metaphor that represents what is going on within you. Once you get a picture, sit with the picture and listen. The metaphor that your subconscious and higher self brings forward will begin to release layers of feelings that may have been pushed deep down within you. When you are ready, ask your higher-self to give you a tool to clear the image at a subconscious level and release it with a lighter, happier more relaxed image. An example of a tool your subconscious might bring to you in the meditation is a white light eraser that you white out the image with and a new one replaces it. Just relax and trust your higher self and subconscious to reveal the perfect images for you. If it is already a happy image, just sit with it and allow the beauty to unfold. Make sure and write about your experience in your journal.
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