Does energy cord cutting always work? For those of you that may not be aware of this terminology this is referring to energy attachments and connections that we make with people and even places or past situations. Cord cutting is metaphorical in releasing energy, and does not always work for me, so today in meditation I asked why. I heard because with the idea of cutting cords, also comes the belief that it can re-grow or re-attach itself at any minute. That belief creates a paradigm in your energy field that keeps you stuck in the victim mentality as far as energy is concerned. But instead, understand that your attention and focus governs where your energy goes. So instead of cutting cords today we will try something powerfully different!
Step one: First understand that if you have a unhealthy energy attachment to someone or they you, you will begin to act like them and feel like them. You take on their way of thinking and being and so forth. The best way to know if there is a unhealthy attachment is to look for obsessive energy. If you are always thinking about them or they you and it feels like there is no separation between you, this is a unhealthy energy attachment.
Step 2: Ask your subconscious, higher self or angels and guides to help you locate the cord. It is always attached to one of your chakras.
Step 3. Once you find it, observe it. Just allow it for a minute. Then ask, why is this happening, what am I gaining from this, why am I allowing this?
Step 4: Now purposely and with great intent, see the energy that is being sent out, and also the energy that is being sent in and stop the flow. Just stop it, with your intention of it. Now find your energy in the light cord that was going out and visualize it going back in you. Instead of sending your energy out to that person, you are choosing to send it back to you. Sit with your own energy for a minute. Feel the difference. Continue seeing all your energy come back to you, instead of you sending it out to everyone else, you are choosing to allow it to feed and nourish you. Spend a while on this part.
Step 5: Once you have your energies back you get to decide how you spend it. Spend it in a conscious way by using your intention to not allow dysfunctional or unhealthy attachments. Choose to powerfully send out love, and that is the energy that will come back to you. We get what we give.
Step 6: Ask to connect to source energy. Many times we look outside of ourselves to find this connection, we may even look up to the heavens, but today we will make that connection from within, not outside. Imagine a door in your mind, or this door could be in your heart chakra or solar plexus chakra. Imagine when you open it, it is your connection to god, source, and the universe. Now ask source to bring forward all energies that are in your energy bodies that are not yours, or that no longer serve you. It might help to compartmentalize them by putting them in a suitcase and sending them to source. Just keep handing them over and as you do say, this no longer servers me and I let go and allow new energies to come forward. Then give thanks and let it all go. By doing this You release others energies and they will go back to the right place. (copyright, 2016, Kelly T. Smith)
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