How to release the past in 3 powerful steps!
Why is it so hard to let go and move on? What is it about the past? Is that we think we will never have anything better, is it that we think we will never get a second chance, is it that we are scared to live in the present moment?
The answer is yes, yes and yes. But, did you know that by thinking about the past in a negative way all the time you are also creating more of the past?
You must free yourself from the past in order to create something new! How do you do that? I am so glad you asked!
Step 1: Affirmative Prayer
Prayer is always the first place to start. When you can not let go, it is because you are trying to control the situation but if you give it away to a higher power and surrender, the magical powers of God can take it from here. You have to trust that you can be healed from the past. It is time to let go and surrender this over to a higher power.
I prefer to use affirmative prayer when I am working with shifting something within me. Affirmative prayer is showing complete faith that your prayer is already answered. Affirmative prayer aligns you with the intention that it is already done and because of that, you are giving thanks for your prayer already being answered! It is a very powerful way to align with your wholeness. I believe that affirmative prayer is a spiritual offering you make to Source, God, that aligns you with the energy of receiving what you asked for.
Affirmative Prayer for healing the past
Thank you God (Source & Universe) for helping me to learn from the past. Thank you for teaching me the value of my past lessons so I can grow from them. Thank you for releasing all emotional trauma that may be held in my body on a physical and cellular level, that could be causing me to re-live the past over and over again. Thank you for helping me to release all beliefs held in my subconscious mind that I created from past hurtful experiences that no longer serve me. Thank you for helping me to feel safe as I begin to create new beliefs and belief systems that support me to make decisions from my heart instead of from fears that represents the past. Thank you for ushering in new loving circumstances that represent this on-going change that I am choosing to make. And so it is!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Step Two: Make Peace With The Past
In order to let go of the past you must come to a place of allowing and acceptance. Allowing things to be as they were and learning to look at the past with a new awareness. To make peace with the past, start by asking new questions. In what ways have you grown for the better because of the past? If you were to let go, could their be an opportunity to create something even better than the past, or could their be an opportunity to forgive someone and heal from the past? If you continue to live in the past, what could you be missing out on, right now?
Step Three: Live in the moment
It is time for you to look around you and notice the blessings that are right in front of you. Notice the opportunities that you could have if you were present, notice the relationships that you could develop if you were present. Become aware of the good that is all around you. Even if you cannot see it, close your eyes and ask your inner guidance to show you something that you may be missing. Get quite, get still, surrender and go within. It is time to live again! You can and will create something new, and if you allow yourself to learn from the past, your ability to create will be even more powerful than before. Let go, forgive and move forward now.
Christina Daniel says
I love the pink. Inner child….. Are there any other color therapy guided meditations?