Thank you for signing up for Soul Searching Zone’s Free Content Library! You will be hearing from us through our newsletter for weekly updates & when more products are added to the Library! We hope you enjoy the free mini series, as well as the many meditations.
What you can expect to see in your Library?
- One Free Two Hour Class
- The Walking Down the Path Of Authenticity Mini Course with full hypnotherapy session
- Free Meditations
- Inspiration and more!
Looking forward to experiencing the journey!
Thank You DMarie! Nice to meet you and so glad you joined us!
I have your oracle cards app on my phone and have already received so much insight. I am so happy to see that you have expanded your website. Thank you.
Hi Peggie,
So nice to meet you! Thank you, I am very excited for the website launch and I got lots more planned on the way soon. So happy to hear you are enjoying the Oracle Cards.
Love the app!! So excited about it!! Thank you!! Love and light
I am so Excited for you. This looks so Beautiful 🙂
Thank You Carmen! I am very excited.
I can’t wait to see what is in store! I look forward to taking this journey with you.
Thank you Robin, so nice to meet you!
I look forward to a new journey. Thank you
I am soooo ready for this! Very excited!
I am so happy to be here. Thank you for inviting me.
I’m new to the discovery of being of not of this world and discovering my soul purpose as an Indigo and also as a parent of a very gifted Crystal Baby. Excited to learn all I can ??
I just got the app and I must say it is crazy scary in a terrifying good way. Thank you.
Thank you i can hardly wait to get started.
I’ve always had these overpowering gut feelings since I was a little girl that something wasn’t right and the feeling that the outcome wouldn’t be a HAPPY ONE!? So I’ve tried to resist them, than the dreams started…and more times than I’d like to admit those dreams/nightmares eventually turned into REALITY!! Never HAPPY, always a SAD event. The Loss of a loved one, a Pet, an impending Illness,a car accident..?? Numbers with meanings to my life situations always popping up.Some are actually GOOD, yeah! Some not so good. I’ve come to the point of trying to embrace what I’ve always felt was a CURSE as a GIFT 9 years ago after the death of my Daughter, Nikki only 25 yrs old? Ever since I’m on a journey to find Myself and my Life’s purpose? Ready to embrace whatever awaits Me.Thank You from the bottom of My Heart.God Bless You ❤
Thankyou how inspiring just wat I require on this part of my journey look forward to getting started &as having to start again totally from scratch as have nothing but my kindle tablet & a change of clothes this I am new to due to my slipping through the net for far to long as I look fine but have severe learning disabilities much metta to all as that’s all I’ve got THANK YOU “”
Have a life full v ups & downs so I guess a lot in common my life has become more understandable all of this cosmic rays make life so much more Barrable oolabaloola ????♒⌛?✖✖✖
I haven’t used the app yet but am looking forward to it. I lived an extremely blessed and happy life, so I thought….in reality, I was being abused at home until I got pregnant at 18, married fighter pilot that was an abusive alcoholic, I looked at the good & denied any bad. When I left, went to college, everyone was drawn to me, robs of friends, married a West Point Quarter back, rich, happy life…why did I leave? People were still drawn to me for yrs until I withdrew from everyone into unhappiness after losing my family. It was awful. Then I lost my home & possessions in a tornado. That was 3 1/2 yrs ago. I’ve lost any purpose, reason to live. I don’t take care of myself and barely exist. I hope this helps me.
Time will tell I am in a dark place just now. Lost my wife a few months ago. Did not take the time to tell her how much I loved her. XX
Just tell her. She is with you. Speak to her and you will hear her in your heart. She is always with you.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THE APP!!! It hits dead on (BULLSEYE) every time. I have used it ?❤
I am very excited, & curious, as to partially understand MY PURPOSE HE has me here for, to learn about MY life’s journey & what ALL of my experiences in life, thus far, should EXACTLY be being used for now,at THIS point in my life, in order to “freely give it away”. I KNOW The Lord’s pathways, HE laid down before me, have a GRAND outcome, with/FOR HIS CHILDREN, SO I may be a bright POSITIVE light of walking testimony to HIS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, HIS LIGHT, HEALING, & GRACE ????? that SHINES SO BRIGHTLY THAT people will WANT to KNOW OUR LORD & SAVIOR on a personal level?
I was BLESSED to concieve a child October 2008 (almost a year of seeing “333” EVERY WHERE, all day, EVERY day)! Then, AFTER I told many people, daily, for 18 days straight “I REALLY WANT TO HAVE A LITTLE BOY.. EVEN IF I HAVE TO ADOPT A CHILD IN NEED & be a single parent ; I BELIEVE it’s TIME for me.” Despite the fact that I was single.. God gave me the gift of raising one of HIS children; a little girl ❤❤ at the age of 30, after I had given up on the thought of bearing my own child, all the while God KNEW what HE was doing.
MANY,MANY things all around us, point to the number “3”
(Her birthday–>07+14+09=30.. I was 30 when I gave birth, etc. I think One of the COOLEST/intimate timings with Our Creator, showing us there IS something SO SPECIAL about/behind HIM putting our souls together;to COMPLETE one another, is when we drove to Florida in August of 2012. She had just turned “3” & I was 33. A massive hurricane was on its way in, as we were heading out. We hadn’t had the chance to get to the beaches the week we were down by Tampa, due to non-stop thunderstorms. The ONLY day without rain, was the day we were leaving, in order to avoid running into the storm.. I had never been IN the ocean, neither had she.. Despite the warnings about the storm;we drove about an hour out of our way; to go to a white/pink sand beach. At ages, put together showing 333,we kicked off our sandals/shoes and headed straight through the sand to the water… Holding her hands tightly,as the waves & winds picked up, I let her legs start to get used to the water temperature, the feeling of the sea shells, marine life and sand under her feet & in between her toes ?We went far enough out to have my body half way under the water, I got on my knees,said a prayer and, while holding (hugging tightly, so a wave could not take either of us away, we emerced our bodies ALL THE WAY UNDER GOD’s water ,with a brand new outlook on life when we came up to take a breath.. In hopes of being able to HEAR The LORD speak to me better in order to follow HIS directions to start LIVING better & be excited about what HE has in store for leading my daughter and I to our lives’ purposes..
(with LOTS of help from the GUARDIAN ANGELS HE ASSIGNED to watch over us 24/7/365)
The cards have been A LOT of help for me, for it is starting to become harder and harder to HEAR when The Lord speaks to me now..
At 55 I find myself an absolute miss. I need to schedule an hour with you before I go on.
Hi Joleen,
If you click on the tab, intuitive life coaching session, you can purchase the session there and then use this link to schedule your appointment.
I don’t in w why I’m here. Need to make a serious step of faith& stop trying to control every outcome. It hasn’t worked yet,so just checking the site out,although leary
I just sighned up and looking forward to all the resources during my intense transition!! I’m facing a huge transition in my life and I have a 3 month window to get all the planets have in store for me,!! Iv felt it for a couple of years and now it is here !! My intuition led me completely to this point I’m super excited and looking for all the guidance I can get..
Its great to learn new things
Hello, I am Deaf and certified as A Soul Discovery Life Coach. I am also working to upgrade my skill as a life coach to gain my certification with International Coach Federation. I hope your videos have captions. Blessings
Hey everyone, Although I
Am new to this site , I am not new to cards and readings. My Great grandmother and my grandmother we’re both readers and extremely psychic. I have been a part of their connected emotions for years. Now they have traveled to the other side ,I feel a huge emptyness at times. I have inherited the insight and now I am drawn into this medium. I am beginning with an open mind and heart. This has arrived at the perfect time. I also would like a personal hour with Kelly and begin my journey. Tamara
Thank you for letting me join…I’m excited to see were and what I will learn,.it’s not been easy,,,but I want to move forward,,,to helping my self and to understand who iam,,,
I like it
Love the app and the website, you are an inspiration Kelly! Thank you for sharing your gifts!
From a Love-minded Soul
Hi Stacey, thank you and so nice to meet you!
Love this site.great I mean great learning alot.thank u again.
Lots of interesting sections. Look forward to checking them out. Looking currently at setting up a local coaching hub or help group, so all help and advice appreciated! Thank you for your work!xx
I was very to see the extra coaching option, even more so when I saw that there was no fee and so many resources! Thank you for making all of this accessable to everyone. I can’t wait to get started!
I just joined and I look forward to seeing what I can gain from this website in order for growth in my life to fulfill my purpose in life which I know is to make a difference in the frequency of the universe and help whoever I can with pure intentions