To love with your whole heart is the gift of life!
To be in love, to feel love, to give love and to receive love is what we all want on the deepest level of our being. It is when we distract ourselves with other desires and forget the real meaning of life, that we start to feel lost. We start to look for meaning in life in all the wrong places. We look for it in the big house, the nice car, the executive position at work, the college diploma, how much money we make and how successful we want to be. We confuse all of those things as the meaning of life. Some of those things are just icing on the cake along the way of our journey and much of those things are distractions. They become the reason to live and until we do those things or have those things we feel empty inside and we can’t figure out why. Yet once we accomplish those things the emptiness comes back again. Where is the emptiness coming from? Could it be because we are putting too much energy and attention into all of the wrong things. What if we started to put most of our focus on what matters most. To love, to feel love, to give love, to be love. Love is what we all want. Love is the gift. Love is the answer. How would our lives change if we focused more on what matters most. LOVE~ Kelly T. Smith
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