This is your weekly Oracle Card Reading For the week of October 23rd. For this weeks oracle card reading we are using The Intuitive Life Coaching Oracle Card App! This is a exciting week!!!! This is the week of the new! New relationships, new opportunities and a new time to shine! So much new change is coming. But spirit does caution us that when we are creating new things in our life we need to let go of our old ways of being, or our old habits. It is as if we have just ended one chapter of our lives and we are starting a whole new one! Make sure that when you step forward on your new journey that you do it with new habits that foster your new attitude and your new world not old habits that just re-create some of the same old, same ,old.
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Situation Card- Soul Group
You are getting ready to unite with members of your soul family.
You have a special group of people waiting for you to come home! This card comes to you today to tell you that you are getting ready to unite with your soul group or soul family. A soul group is a group of kindred souls that come together with a similar set of beliefs, ways of doing things, and view of the world. You will know when you have met them, because you will simply feel at home and accepted, in a way that you never truly have before. It will feel as if you have known them your entire life. This is because, even though you have just met them, you have known them for many, many lifetimes! This is a special reunion and you will feel the after effects of meeting them for months to come. You are finally home and they have been expecting you! This kind of connection is an extraordinary feeling. They will understand you in a way that you have never experienced before, and you will understand them as well. Don’t be surprised when you realize you have a similar back story, as well as uncanny similarities. It is possible they will know what you are thinking even before you do! This is very exciting, and it is what you have been waiting for. If you have not met them already, you soon will!
Emotional Challenge card- Old Habits
An old habit may be keeping you from moving forward.
The more you believe that you can’t let go of something that is no longer serving you, the more you give your power away. Spirit says… what are you waiting for? You have the choice! The choice truly is yours. You can choose to let the old worn out bad habits go, or you can choose to let it consume you. This habit truly is holding you back. It is keeping you from moving forward and feeling good in your own skin. You do not feel good when you indulge in this old worn out way of being. It is time to let go of what is no longer serving you. You have the strength to let go of the old so you can bring in the new. Choose now to only engage in things that are life giving and supportive to your spiritual and emotional growth at this time. Let it go, so you can let yourself shine. There is a new way of being that is just waiting to unfold for you. Change can be tricky, but once you realize that this is what you choose, it becomes something to look forward to, something new and exciting, and something refreshingly different. It is time to let go of old habits that are no longer serving your highest good.
Solution Card- Power struggle
You may be involved in a power struggle between two or more people.
A power struggle happens when two people or a group of people are fighting against each other instead of working together. Each person has their own agenda or opinion and they may not be willing to see each other as an equal in this situation. No person is superior to another regardless of their position, each person has an equal right to have their needs met. Be willing to understand the other person’s point of view and let go of the need to be right. This person could be unwilling to compromise or see both sides of the situation. There are always two sides to every story. When we get caught up in our own story, it can be difficult to see the other side. Take a step back, breathe and be willing to look at this from a space of love. If this person still refuses to take into consideration your needs or the needs of the group, it does not mean that you have to let go of what is in your best interest or in the best interest of the group as a whole. You can always agree to disagree. Whatever happens, refuse to contribute your energy to this power struggle any longer. Continuing to power struggle is a waste of your precious time and energy. Pull out of this energetically toxic situation, and neutralize this situation with a refusal to give it any more of your attention, at least for now.
Coaching Advice- Shooting Star
You are a shooting star! You are about to step into YOU, at your fullest potential.
It is “go time” for you! The time is here, and it is now! You have acquired all the knowledge that you need, and you are emotionally mature enough to handle it. You have something special, and unique to offer the world. Dream big, and reach for the stars. What you are about to let yourself step into is YOU at your fullest potential. You have learned all you need to learn, and you have all the resources, even if you don’t think you do. You are ready, and your unique abilities are needed now. This is a sign from your guides and angels. They are saying, “YES! You can do this! You are ready! Get out there and touch the lives of many, with your unique gifts and abilities”. Open your arms out wide and say to the universe: “put me where you need me most! Put me where I can be of most service!” Now, sit back and get ready for your life to take off in a completely new direction! You can do it! The sky is the limit!
Potential Card- Lighten up
You may be taking life too seriously.
You may be overworking, over stressing, and underplaying. Your guides come to you today, to tell you that it is time to lighten up! By lighten up, they mean to literally bring in the light by experiencing more joy, laughter, and play. When you do this, it will be easier for you to hear them as well as receive divine guidance. In what ways are you taking life too seriously? Find a way to bring joy, laughter and play back into your life. This situation calls for a big dose of fun. When you stop taking life so seriously, you will have more time to enjoy it. Life is not meant to be all work and no play! Take time off, relax and lighten up! This situation calls for it!
Thank you