Energy Theme- Soul Purpose
For this weeks, Weekly Oracle Card Reading, we are being guided to make changes and take action that lead us on the path towards our purpose! We are using the Guiding Light Oracle Card Deck!
If you are holding back your gifts and refusing to face your fears, you are going to feel like something is missing this week! Are you looking for more meaning and more purpose to your life? This week you will begin to have clarity on the direction you are headed. Maybe you knew what direction you were headed in before, but this week you will be given very loud sign posts of what the next right action is for you. Pay attention to every sign, and every feeling that you have. Often times when we ask for Divine Guidance the answer comes in the form of a feeling, a feeling of what feels good for you! We are at the end of a very long, exhausting journey, a journey that felt like a uphill battle. It is time to set down your bags, but this does not mean you are giving up. You are not giving up, you are getting ready to bring all of the resources, knowledge and wisdom you have received from your journey and apply it to your life in a way that leads you down the path of your truest purpose.
1st Card Energy of the week- Soul Purpose
Key phrase for this week- Ask for guidance, listen and take action towards your dreams!
Something exciting is on the horizon for you if you follow your passion.
Your passion is your purpose. What are you passionate about? What makes you feel alive? When you follow your passion all doors will begin to open for you. You could be confusing the path ahead of you, by focusing on what you feel you have to do to survive, and not focusing on what makes you feel alive. Where are you focusing all of your energy? It is time to pursue anything and everything that brings you joy and happiness. You have come to a fork in the road, a time in your life when you have to make a choice.
If you have tried everything you can possibly think of and yet you still seem to end up in the same place, you are being guided like never before to follow your bliss. Your bliss is your soul’s blueprint for your purpose in life. It is the gift you have to bring to the world, the gift you have to share with others. Your gifts were given to you to be shared with others. As you do the thing you love to do, you will awaken within you a vibration that brings forward people, events, and situations that are all in alignment with your purpose. Your life is getting ready to change for the better as soon as you choose to follow your bliss.
The Limited Belief Card- Reach for the stars
You have barely scratched the surface! You have unlimited potential and you are getting ready to experience this first hand.
Your limitations are not real. They seem real, but they are an illusion. Actually, you have unlimited potential. All limitations start in the mind and can be overcome through a shift of perspective in the mind. This card comes to you today to remind you that you can do anything you believe you can do. You may be feeling like giving up on something you have put your heart and soul into. Know that you have unlimited potential and that you have barely scratched the surface of what is possible. It is time for you to believe in your unlimited potential. Whatever you are working on at this time, keep going. Keep believing, and know that you can achieve the seemingly impossible.
Nothing is out of reach for you at this time as long as you continue to persevere and believe in yourself. You can and will achieve your goals at this time. Not only can you achieve the goals you have set out to achieve, but you can also achieve much more than you think you can. Keep going, keep doing, keep believing and you will achieve all that you set out to achieve and much more. If you are currently experiencing a setback in your desired outcome, think of it as a pause, a time to re-define your vision and strengthen your belief in infinite possibilities. This card is your sign that you will surely succeed, as long as you keep going.
Potential Card- Path of least resistance
When all doors seem to be closed, it is because you have not tried to open the correct one just yet.
You may feel as if you have exhausted all possibilities and resources. This card comes to assure you that you have not. There is unlimited possibilities and resources available to you at all times. But, for this particular situation, there is something that needs to happen for the highest good of everyone involved. There is something specific that needs to take place and until that something shows up, you may feel as if there is no movement at all. If every door you try to open remains closed and locked, it is because it is not the right door! Do not force doors to open. If you are busy trying to force things to happen, you may miss out on the opportunity to walk through the correct door when it is ready to open! Do not feel discouraged, and most importantly, do not give up! You will soon have the opportunity to walk through the correct door but until then do not try to control this situation. Do not try to force things to happen. Continue to put your wish out into the universe, and when the timing is right, be ready to follow the path of least resistance.
Affirmative Prayer for this weeks energy-
Light a candle, put your hands in prayer position and read this prayer out loud with the feeling that it is done!
Infinite Intelligence (God, Universe) , thank you for bringing forward my soul map, the divine plan that guides me toward my truest destiny. I know that there is a specific path that was meant only for me, I release all doubt and fear to you and ask for the slate to be swept clean of all inner debris and confusion that keep me from acting on my divine guidance. Thank you for paving the way, for opening doors for clearing away all my confusion and indecision. Thank you for placing me upon my path and placing the courage to act on my divine inspiration into my heart. Thank you for leading me, for guiding me and for protecting me as I muster up the courage to follow my heart. Thank you for turning up the volume to my inner guidance, my intuition, to your guidance. I feel more clear about my path as each and every day passes, I feel more joy in my heart as I act on my divine destiny. I am happy to release all confusion and resistance to you. I feel lighter and I let go of all of my burdens and give them to you. I feel joy as I know that my burdens are transmuted into love, protection, guidance and wisdom that will be a part of me as I take divine right action with each and every coming day.
Your Intuitive Life Coaching Tip for the week!
Into order to take the action that is necessary for this weeks energy, it is very important that you understand what your fears are around your life purpose. What do you believe about your dreams? What are you afraid of? If you are not conscious of your fears and fully aware of what they are, they are always in the background calling the shots! This week, bring them out into the light, because when you do, they do not have as much power. The question to ask yourself is, what dreams do I have that I have left behind and what fears keep me from moving toward them? Get out your journal and sit in silence for a few minutes. Start by taking a deep breath, ask for your higher self and your Spiritual Team to come through. Once you feel ready write: What am I afraid of? Make a list and after you finished, go through each on and ask the question, is it true? You will be surprised out how you have conceived yourself something is much more scary than it actually is.
Thank you for your guidance I have a couple of your apps I read everyday you give insight and wisdom into each reading and so much more. One thing you have brought out for me is my desire to bring my own personal experiences into the light once more I am finally starting to return to who I use to be and for that I truly appreciate your gifts and thank you. Many blessings bestowed to you
Hi Nacy,
So nice to meet you. I am so very happy that I can help you connect with the truest version of you. That is my intention always, to help us connect with the Guiding Light from within. Thank you for the beautiful feedback.