Energy Theme- Taking Your Power back to create a life you love!
For this weeks, Weekly Oracle Card Reading, we are being guided to recognize what we are giving our power to. Where is all of your energy going, what are you creating, what are you emotionally invested in, that is taking away from your own life?
You are learning to take back your personal power and recognize that you are helping to keep certain unhealthy situations alive by feeding them with your own energy, fear or worry. Your concentrated focused attention or intention, backed by either faith or fear will feed what ever situation you are in. If you want to shift your situation, change your focus and harness your personal power by putting energy into the things that matter the most to you. In order to do this we need to set boundaries in our life! This could be both professional and personal boundaries. It is very important for you to look at the areas in your life where you say yes and put your energy into people or situations that are not for your highest and best good. Part of taking your personal power back, is recognizing where you are on auto pilot in your life. Do you speak your truth, do you say what is in your heart, or are you trying not to rock the boat. Are you aware of what is in your best interest, or are you unaware of what you need, want or desire? This week is about getting back in touch with what matters to you most!
1st Card Energy of the week- Boundaries
Key Phrase- Recognize where you are directing your energy, who are you giving your power to, and purposely choose to invest your energy into what matters most to you!
You are learning the gentle art of setting boundaries and saying no.
It is not only okay to say no at times, but it is the only way you can live a life in alignment with your authentic self. If you are a person who says yes at all times, doing things that are not in your best interest, and spreading yourself to thin, it is time to take back your personal power. When you are used to being the peace keeper, it can be scary to step up and set boundaries to the people in your life that are always pushing their personal agenda on you. It takes courage and confidence to say no, and not worry about upsetting someone. When you are able to set firm boundaries for yourself and the people in your life, you are saying yes to yourself. You are giving yourself more time and freedom to focus on what your souls needs. If it is in your best interest to take time to focus on your business, school, family, or any other thing that is important to you, you won’t have the energy or the time if you try to be all things to all people. Remember that it is an illusion to think that other people make you feel a certain way. Other people can’t make you feel like anything. You are in charge of your feelings. You are in charge of your life, and you get to choose what is in your best interest. So today, make choices that nurture and support you and your souls needs. Be okay with the fact that this is what you need right now. The people that truly love and support you will understand that you have your own needs right now, and the ones that don’t might not be relationships that are for your highest good. Be powerful, and set good personal boundaries, and you will find it easier to do the things you love most!
The Limited Belief Card- Empathic
You may be confusing other people’s energy with your own.
This card shows up for you today to remind you that you are a highly sensitive person. It is easy for you to get lost in the emotions of others. You have the amazing gift of compassion because you can energetically walk in other people’s shoes. It may be easy for you to get confused about what is yours, and what is someone else’s. You may find yourself being easily distracted by other people’s problems. If you are not aware of this, you could even take on the energy, emotions, and problems of other people. Everything is made of energy and you can read it in a very powerful way! This truly is a gift! At the same time, if it is not used correctly, it can feel like a curse. You are being asked to pay special attention to your unique ability to read and feel the energy of the people, situations, and events around you. Learn about this gift, seek out guidance, read books, and develop it in a way that you can use for the highest good of yourself and those around you. You are not doing anyone any favors by taking on their problems. You can only help people by guiding them gently and lovingly within themselves to listen to their inner voice. You can neutralize the tendency to absorb others energies by setting a powerful intention to be aware of this energy, but not to take it on. Do energy checks often, and ask yourself if this emotion or feeling is yours, or if it is a product of your environment or the people around you. Your intention creates your reality. Be willing to let go of all that is not yours. Send love to it, and gently release it. You have your own emotional energy that needs attention. Don’t confuse other people’s energy with your own.
Potential Card- Career Transition
Your soul is yearning for a career aligned with passion and purpose.
Now is the time for soul searching. Your soul is yearning to express itself through your career. You are being asked to let go of limited beliefs that say you cannot do what you love and still earn a living. This limited way of thinking is keeping you from moving forward into a career in alignment with your soul’s expression. This card comes to you today to tell you that it is possible to do what you love for a living and thrive. Let go of old conditioning that says otherwise. It is time for you to dream again. Spend time thinking about what makes you happy and ask your guides and angels for assistance with a new career. If you focus on the pure joy of doing what you love, the money will be a result of that joy. Let go of all beliefs that tell you it is not possible. It is possible, and you are getting ready to discover this very soon. Dream big and have faith! You are getting ready to experience a career transition that is in alignment with your soul.
Affirmative Prayer for this weeks energy-
Light a candle, put your hands in prayer position and read this prayer out loud with the feeling that it is done!
Infinite Intelligence (God, Universe) , thank you for assisting me with managing my energy in a way that benefits what my soul needs right now. Thank you for bringing into my awareness any autopilot behaviors in regards to pleasing others around me and ignoring my own self care needs or desires. Thank you for giving me the courage to set boundaries in areas of my life that are not healthy. Thank you for assisting me with releasing the past and opening doors and opportunities in regards to following my true hearts desires and aligning with my passion and purpose.
And so it is………..
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
Your Intuitive Life Coaching Tip for the week!
Get out your journal and get ready to write! At the top of the page, write: In what ways do I give away my power? Who am I giving my power away to and why? What am I giving my energy to and how is this holding me back?
Once you write the question, sit in silence and take 3 deep breaths……..Ask the question silently in your mind and wait until you feel the urge to write. You may be surprised about what you discover that you may not have been aware of!
Until Next Week!
Kelly T. Smith
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