Break Free From Repeated Patterns
What is the Key to change?
If you feel like you have come to a standstill in your life, no matter how hard you try to move forward, you are facing a spiritual lesson. I think of a spiritual lesson very much like a key, except in this case an energetic key. This means that whatever you have to learn here, will serve your highest good through the journey you call life. I think of life like a video game. You cannot move to the next level until you have gathered all the keys and opened all of the doors from the first level. So if you are in resistance to your challenges, you cannot possibly learn from them. If you do not allow yourself to learn from them you cannot receive the gift, the energetic key that can move you to a whole new level of awareness. From this level, you will be able to create all new experiences, meet new people and start a brand new journey!
break free from repeating patterns
Sounds exciting right? Yet most of us have trained ourselves to ignore our patterns and to keep repeating them over and over again. The truth is, there is no judgment towards you in regards to how long you take to move past a level, take as long as you want. But if life truly is a game ( like Florence Scovel Shinn says) and you know how to play it, your challenges can become something you meet head on, instead of something you run from.
If you find yourself in a situation that keeps repeating itself like a broken record, the good news is, you have just discovered a spiritual lesson that is waiting to give you an energetic key. Spirit first showed me what an energetic key was in meditation. I was shown that if there is a lesson for you to learn, when you learn it, you unlock a new vibration within your energy field. A new way of looking at life is now at your fingertips. New wisdom, new resources, new ways of handling challenges. You can use this key to help you pass the next level and trust me, you will need it! Because each level you pass, just like a video game keeps increasing in its level of difficulty. Not to say that, that is a bad thing, the greater the challenge the greater the gift! It is all in the mind of the beholder.
Intuitive Life Coaching Oracle Card Message- Spiritual Growth Card
“You are currently experiencing a lesson required for your spiritual evolution.
You may feel as if you are in the waiting room of life. If you feel like there is no movement, it is most likely because you are experiencing a lesson that is required for your spiritual growth at this time. This is a soul lesson, something that you need to understand and learn before you end this cycle and begin a new one. The way to find these lessons is to look for repeated patterns. Do you have unhealthy relationship patterns or situations that seem to repeat themselves like a broken record? If you do, take a very close look at these situations and ask yourself what it is you need to learn from this so you can move forward. You could be breaking free from old beliefs such as fear, poverty consciousness, or unhealthy/dysfunctional relationships. This card comes to you to encourage you to do the inner work necessary to learn your soul’s lesson. Then you can apply these lessons to open new doors that you never thought were possible. Go within and you will soon see the beauty in this situation. When you learn this lesson, you will finally be free to choose a new song and dance.”
Step 1: Take inventory-
what areas of your life are you currently struggling in. Can you identify a pattern that keeps repeating itself?
Step 2: Break it down-
What is it related to? Take a moment to uncover all of the hidden components related to this situation.
- Relationship lesson
- Self Esteem lesson
- Self- love lesson
- Financial lesson
- Spiritual lesson
- Boundary lesson
- Self- Care Lesson
- Limited Belief Lesson
- Forgiveness Lesson
Step 3: Identify what spiritual lesson is revealing itself to you
Sit in meditation and ask to see the higher perspective? What could you be in denial of, what could hidden that needs to come to light?
Step 4: Acceptance- releasing blame
Are you ready to accept and identify the role you played in this situation or circumstance? For example: if you were being taken advantage of, did you willingly play the role of the doormat, out of fear of being unlovable?
Step 5: Ask for the energetic key
Once you have identified the repeated pattern and the lesson, ask for the energetic key to reveal itself. In other words, now that you have faced this lesson and you are ready to integrate it so it can be a part of your inner awareness, what will change in your behavior? How will you be different? Will you react to people differently, will you make different choices? Identify all of the positive changes that will happen once you have unlocked the key to moving forward and releasing this pattern.
Kimberly Hartley says
No..I’m enjoying myself reading all the answers to my questions. Thank you!
Kelly T. smith says
Thank you Kimberly, I am so happy that the article was helpful. So nice to meet you!
Michelle says
So inspiring and motivating
Kelly T. smith says
Thank you Michelle!
Shawn Williams says
I feel totally alone in the world after being in a 3 year relationship with a pyscopath, have always loved the closeness of a relationship, but nobody really has even wanted to date me, and in the past when somebody has come into my life I’ve wanted to task it, As i love to share my home and life with somebody, coming home to an empty house, lonely shopping trips and not having any romantic connection to anybody i really feel is so painful and overbearing, what lesson’s do i need to learn ??
Cait OC says
That was so amazingly spot on. I am grateful to you. Would you be open to starting a Twitter account? Or the new site Vero which actually bases itself on protecting its users privacy so they can be themselves without worrying about it, is very cool. I can’t do FB anymore. And I’d love to follow you but I will not go on FB unless it’s to close my account officially. Lol
Tom Gray says
I am certainly looking for answers. I mean why am I here? I feel like what’s the point? What can I do to change that?
Nikz says
These articles seem to cross my path just as my inner thoughts are asking questions. Its like i was meant to see this to remind me where i am in my journey….
Tracy McGee says
I am currently struggling with financial lack & over coming limiting beliefs. I feel that my negative subconscious is making all the decisions for my life and that it’s time I go inward to dismantle them, especially the ones related to money. We were always broke growing up and I still hold on to this belief. Wow, what an insight and inspiration!! Thank u so much for this.