Color Therapy is a powerful way to clear, align and balance any and all energies in your mind, body, spirit.
It works particularly fast with your emotional body, you feel the effects almost immediately! I love working with color and I am always exploring new ways to work with color both in my coaching practice as well as for my personal healing efforts. Pink color healing energy is specifically helpful when working to balance energies related to the mother archetype as well as your inner child. Chromotherapy works because it is absorbed through your eyes, and color therapy is still just as powerful if you imagine that you are breathing it in, or looking at it! In this meditation I use the color pink to help you balance energies and open your heart to your own self love, through releasing old energies and raising your frequency to a vibration of love, compassion and joy! To get started, follow along in the video below. I would love to hear you feedback on this meditation, as I am always learning and growing through your comments. Would you like more FREE meditations?? Join my online community and you can access our free library! Check it out, here.
For more meditations, check out my new Spiritual Coaching Meditation App here!
Thank you!!!!!!!
Thank you Kelly!
How does one get to the free content library? I joined the online community but I can’t access anything. When I select any of the links provided, they all take me to the sign up page which says I’ve already joined. – and that’s as far it goes.
Also, there are far too many pop-ups on this website; they make it extremely difficult to navigate the content without wanting to find the same services somewhere else.
Hi Jen, thank you so much for your honest feedback. I fixed the pop ups so hopefully that is much better now. Now that you have already joined when you log in, click on the FREE Library at the top of the menu and when you click on it that page should change and you will see all of the meditations. You have to be logged in to access this page, so make sure you are. You can log in at the top of the page. Let me know if you need any more assistance. So nice to meet you.