Click here to join the live workshop! Sunday, January 22nd! 6 PM PST I am super excited to present to you, the online group healing workshop, Live! This will be recorded, so if you cannot make it live, you can also purchase it now, and get the recorded link within 24 hours after the class is […]
Creatively Manifesting in 2017
Manifesting Goal Card & the Happy Planner! Well the New Year is getting near and as a life coach I am always looking for ways to improve, and for fun ways to get motivated, organized and inspired. One of my New Years Goals is to get more efficient. Working from home definitely has it’s perks but […]
Imprinted Beliefs and the Power of the Present
What is yours and what is not? I heard a great quote this morning. “Your first thought/feeling is what has been imprinted on you, your very next thought/feeling is who you truly are.” This quote isn’t about second guessing a gut instinct or questioning your intuition but this quote speaks volumes to me about imprinted […]
5 steps to Uncovering Karmic Relationship Patterns!
Have you ever met a person that triggered you on every level possible? It could be someone you just met, or someone you have known your whole life. Chances are regardless of what you try to do to get away from this type of person, they just keep showing up in your life. Or […]
Weekly Oracle Card Reading week of October 23rd
This is your weekly Oracle Card Reading For the week of October 23rd. For this weeks oracle card reading we are using The Intuitive Life Coaching Oracle Card App! This is a exciting week!!!! This is the week of the new! New relationships, new opportunities and a new time to shine! So much new change […]
Tidbits of Inspiration for your soul- Thursday October 13th
To love with your whole heart is the gift of life! To be in love, to feel love, to give love and to receive love is what we all want on the deepest level of our being. It is when we distract ourselves with other desires and forget the real meaning of life, that we start […]
Our top 3 Favorite inspirational Ted Talks!
Need a little inspiration? You are in the right place! #1 The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown In this truly remarkable talk on vulnerability, Brené Brown helps us understand the true reason we cover up who we are. Taking us on a journey to uncover our darkest feelings of inadequacy………shame. “Vulnerability is the core of shame & […]
Manifesting Meditation
Are you ready to amplify your intention? Are you ready to bring forth that which you truly desire? I talk to alot of people about manifesting and attracting what you want into your life through aligning with the law of attraction. Most people tell me that they are trying to manifest but it is not […]
Finding Your Happy Place
TOO OFTEN WE LOSE TOUCH WITH WHO WE REALLY ARE. We lose touch with what truly makes us happy. From a very early age, we are trained to look around us for examples of how to act, how to be, and what to do. Our teachers tell us to look to other students for examples […]